Basics on Electricity

Enjoy interactive activities that help learner understand the amazing world of electricity.



learner explores basics of electricity by doing hands on activities using batteries, solar panel, wires, bulbs, switch, motors and buzzer to do different hands-on activities.

General objectives

After this lesson, learner will be able to:

  • Identify sources of electricity and explain production of electricity
  • Differentiate components and manage electric circuit
  • Explain danger of electricity and common tools / materials used in electricity
  • Construct a simple electric circuit and other related projects.


In this electricity course, learner cunducts simple experiments that show the application of electricity. We have lots of brilliant electricity sets for learner that teach them about circuits and electricity through play.

Start hands-on activities!

Production of electricity

Electricity is produced when mechanical energy is harnessed and used to rotate a turbine. The mechan...

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House assembling and lighting

Wooden Puzzle electric powered Mini house educational for learner. Assembling, building, electrical ...

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Build a simple electric circuit

In this activity, learner will do a simple experiment that shows the application of electricity. Use...

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Creativity Lab