STEM into the classroom
Integrate effectively STEM and 21st century skills into the classroom
Integrating STEM into the classroom
Creativity Lab works with schools to integrate Hands-on STEM activities into the classroom and conduct after school STEM workshops for children.
Creativity Lab team collaborate with school teachers to explore the curriculum and identify practical lessons to produce teaching kits and build capacity of teachers on how to interact with them when they are preparing their lessons plans and conducting hands on activities in classroom.
Our teaching resources are locally made to ensure that the technology is designed with our education system, accessible and affordable to all schools in Rwanda.
Our Robotics Kits in the National Curriculum
We are piloting our Robotics kits in the National Curriculum for Primary 4 and 5 to give SET teachers basic robotics skills to conduct hands-on robotics activities in classroom and capacity to apply robotics skills in problem solving.